GUNMIX® - the Revolution of dry gunning

The so far established dry gunning process has got an efficient improvement by this new process as for instance less dust nuisance and rebound and more intensive mixing. 

At the GUNMIX® moistening system (EP 1153861), the gunning material is moistened by a mist of compressed-air and water. 
The use of this system reduces considerably dust development and rebound. The addition of water is exactly adjusted and can be metered. By use of a gear motor with speed control the gunning capacity is exactly adjusted, too.
This allows to keep an exact mixing ratio of gunning material and water.

New fields of application arise when LCC-, ULC- or NCC-materials are applied in the dry gunning. Due to the better moistening with GUNMIX® these materials can be processed with dry gunning machine while adding little binding agent (water glass, acid or water).
Compared with the conventional casting application the extensive formwork is not applicable. 

Moreover, the use of GUNMIX® is a cost-saving alternative to extensive procedures like shotcreting, since it is worked with a simple machine technology and there is less loss of material during adjustment and cleaning of the machine.

The GUNMIX® moistening system can be combined either with rotor or pressure vessel gunning machines. Even the upgrade of older Velco gunning machine is possible.

without GUNMIX ® - atomizer air

with GUNMIX ® - atomizer air

Areas of application of GUNMIX®

Construction industry

Refractory industry

GUNMIX® in action


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GUNMIX® Moistening system

The solution for existing gunning machines

The basic as well as the mobile GUNMIX® moistening system have been developed to equip an existing gunning machine with the GUNMIX® gunning technology.

This kind of gunning technology improves the approved dry gunning process, makes it more efficient, reduces dust emission and rebound and enables a more intensive mixing of material and water.

GUNMIX® moistening system - mobile execution


GUNMIX® moistening system - basic version

GUNMIX® Befeuchtungssystem Basisversion

Gunning machine with GUNMIX®-Equipment

Advantages by using the GUNMIX®-system:

Spritzmaschine ROTAMAT04-32f



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