VELCO ROTAMAT- An unique success story
When VELCO was established by Kurt Wolf in 1971 also the first rotor gunning machine of type Rotamat was launched. From that time on this machine type stands for an unique success story which now -in March 2010- is crowned by the sale of the thousandth Rotamat.
The company’s location in Velbert, at the border of the Ruhr industrial area, was formerly an important centre of the foundry industry and thus it suggested itself to furnish these companies with a gunning machine for the refractory repair of their cupola furnaces. The simple but safe handling of the machine, its robustness and moreover the continuing improvements of the machine, based on the experiences with our customers at site, made it to a product that today is used in foundries, steel plants, refractory and cement industry, in civil construction, mining and power plants.
For the treatment of modern gunning compounds with low cement content the approved Rotamat gunning machine has been completed by the GUNMIX® moistening system. By this patented system the water is dispersed into fog what serves for an optimal moistening, even of the finest particles. Due to the homogenous mixing the gunning compound can be applied with nearly no dust emission and very low rebound. Furthermore the requested water share can be reduced what results in an improved durability of the applied gunning material.
Hence the well-tried machine technique and the innovative gunning technology built a symbiosis, however it is subject to continuous improvement in order to secure state of the art in future, too.
1000 ROTAMAT – A remarkable number!
We like to express our sincere thanks to our long-standing customers for their confidence! Surely this remarkable number of sold machines will also inspire prospective clients to choose VELCO as supplier for reliable and innovative machine technique